
You are now on ERD.php

Here I present the ERD of Overwork


  • customers
    • customer_id (Primary Key)
    • Name
    • Surname
    • adress
    • registered_since
  • users
    • user_id (Primary Key)
    • username
    • selectedcustomer
  • worked
    • customer_id (Foreign Key)
    • date
    • minutesworked
    • price
    • worked_id (Primary Key)
  • payment
    • customer_id (Foreign Key)
    • date
    • amount
    • payed_id (Primary Key)


  • customers (1) -> (n) worked
  • customers (1) -> (n) payment
  • users (placeholder)

create Tables

  • create table customers (
    name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    surname varchar(50) NOT NULL,
    adress varchar(200),
    registered_since date default now(),
    customer_id serial primary key,
    CONSTRAINT UC_Customer UNIQUE (name, surname, adress) );
  • create table worked (
    customer_id integer,
    date date NOT NULL,
    minutesWorked integer NOT NULL,
    price money default '15.00' NOT NULL,
    worked_id serial primary key,
    FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id) );
  • create table payment (
    customer_id integer,
    date date NOT NULL,
    amount money NOT NULL,
    payed_id serial primary key,
    FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES customers(customer_id) );
  • create table users (
    UserID serial primary key,
    username varchar(30),
    selectedCustomer integer );


  • insert into customers values('name', 'surname', 'adress');
  • insert into worked (customer_id, date, minutesworked, price)
    select (select customer_id from customers
    where customer_id = all (
    select selectedcustomer from users
    where userid = 1)),
    'date', minutesworked, price;
  • insert into payment (customer_id, date, amount)
    select (select customer_id from customers
    where customer_id = all (
    select selectedcustomer from users
    where userid = 1)),
    'date', amount;


  • select name, surname,
    COALESCE((SELECT sum(amount) from customers as C
    left join payment as P
    on C.customer_id = P.customer_id
    where C.customer_id = (SELECT selectedcustomer
    FROM users as U WHERE U.userid = 1)),
    CAST(0 as money))
    COALESCE((SELECT sum(price) from customers as C
    left join worked as W
    on C.customer_id = W.customer_id
    where C.customer_id = (SELECT selectedcustomer
    FROM users as U WHERE U.userid = 1)),
    CAST(0 as money))
    as openaccount
    from customers
    where customer_id = (SELECT selectedcustomer
    FROM users as U WHERE U.userid = 1);

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